The Romance of Handmade Paper - By Lubaina Bandukwala

Earth Sense - Saving A dying Art By Rashmi De Roy

Education Times - 14th April 2005 COVER PAGE

Mid Day - 6th July 2007 COVER PAGE

Mid Day - 18th June 2001 Pulp Fact by Shaheen Parkar

Mumbai Newsline - 31st March 2002 - More than Just Selling Paper By Meeta Bhatti

Navbharat Times Hindi Publication-10th May 2001 Shigeru Ban

Outlook Magazine Making a Difference -17th June 2002-By Pramila N. Phataphekar ORIGINAL SCAN

Rahabar Urdu Publication-19th April 2001 Shigeru Ban

Sakal Marathi Publication-17th April 2001 Shigeru Ban

Sunday Pioneer - 5th January 2005

The Asian Age - 27th July 2001 - More than just a base to write on By Garreth D mello

The GATEWAY - A bulletin of the Rotary Club of Bombay 5 Books Equal one Tree 27th August 2002

The Sunday Times - 6th May 2001 - No Pulp Fiction Shigeru Ban Bhuj Paper Tube Houses By Nina Martyris

The Sunday Times - 22 April 2001 - Paper Tigress By Nina Martyris

The Time of India - 9th August 2002 - Down Town Plus

The Times of India - 1st August 2003 - Down Town Plus

The Times of India - 4th July 2003 - Down Town Plus Workshop Advertisement

Things Asian - 19.07.03 Passionate About Paper By Gopika Kapoor